Náš tým

Každou kancelář tvoří její lidé, proto si členy svého týmu pečlivě vybíráme. Poskytování právních služeb je založeno na naší interní specializaci, vzájemné spolupráci a zastupitelnosti.

JUDr. Ing. Petr Večeřa

JUDr. Ing. Petr Večeřa Attorney

For most lawyers, math is an enemy. I have not only legal, but also technical education, and in my opinion, logic and mathematics are very close to law. Therefore, the basis of my approach to any legal problem is a precise and careful analysis of the situation. Only then the solution can be comprehensive and tailored – because no two disputes nor two contracts are the same. And above all: when providing legal services, I always keep in mind that law does not exist on its own, nor would it make sense on its own. It is just a tool to achieve business and life goals. And that’s how I approach the law.


  • Masaryk University, Faculty of Law: 2005-2010, I obtained Master’s degree (Mgr.)
  • Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: 2008-2011, I obtained Bachelor’s degree (Bc.)
  • Brno University of Technology, Institute of Forensic Engineering: 2011-2013, I obtained Master´s degree (Ing.)
  • Advanced Master’s state examination at the Faculty of Law: I passed it in 2014 and obtained the degree of Doctor of Law (JUDr.)
  • Bar exams: I passed them in 2018 and became an Attorney

Professional experience

  • 2009 – 2013 – Assistant of a Member of Czech Parliament
  • 2015 – 2018 – Attorney trainee
  • Since 2018 – Attorney

I am also involved in lecturing activities, including occasional lectures at Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.


  • English – fluently
  • German

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606 644 864

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Havlíčkova 13 a 15,
602 00 Brno

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Osobní schůzky pouze po předchozí domluvě.

Teplická 7434/147,
921 22 Piešťany

    Právní služby